Lilbosslaura's Comments
(12) comments by Lilbosslaura

Comments by Date (12)
found as frontline pet 32.7, 26.6, poor quality. this guy seems to be like the acid-drenched rat, a rareish single spawn that patrols a wider area. we'll know more as the patch continues
Grabbed him in poor quality, frontline at 27.3, 67. First / only one I have seen so far and I have been engaging all battle pets I've run across since patch launch this week. Can't kill him as a roaming critter, similar to the special snapdragons on sirens isle.
My advice for getting Hogs: observe how close your character needs to be to hit a gnoll to avoid whiffing / multiple attempts (for me, NE/f, about elbow deep into the barrel), then only go for the 3pt gnolls. If there are no 3pt up go to the closest 1pt, then immediately to 3pt if it spawns. Might need to get a round that is more "lucky" (lots of 3pts). You got this!
After a few weeks of customer service emails I finally have Brrrgl from my christmas present. I was surprised, in a bad way, how ugly he is! its like they took everything that made the previous model cute and did away with it. The face is very snake like, little razor teeth no cute single baby tooth like before. The eyes are smaller and more reptilian. Hopefully he has some battle potential bc he is for sure uggo. AND green uncommon quality so you have to use a stone to upgrade him.
After completing the quests for Fionia and recieving her lucky buff, I farmed in Zul'Mashar in North-East EPL. On my 51st bag I got Mr. Grubbs. It was pretty good luck but still took over an hour. I tried a few other spots like the Undercroft, but the ZM spot was best by a wide margin. Happy hunting
Finally got this guy on my 3rd or 4th rainstorm on the island. I went to the SE corner and one 1 was spawned there after 15m or so of rain. I'm not sure if there are usually only 1 or 2 per storm or what, the other comments suggest that they are plentiful in the right weather conditions.
s/s dropped on my 99th kill today, very lucky. There aren't so many fireflies to farm and I did need to wait a bit for respawns. Good advice down below to realm hopping to get around this.
Spamed /chicken to a non-battleable critter chicken around the farm building. The first time (after maybe 30-40 chicken emotes) I got the ? quest prompt but I was too slow reading the quest and it disappeared. I had to get another chicken to activate. It took a good few minutes of nonstop chicken emotes, then got the quest to pop and I accepted without hesitation. I /cheer emoted the chicken before turning in with the feed.
I had such a good time getting this magical guy today. About 150 casts, and on my first wish, very lucky.
He is H/H, I'm not sure if they all are?
I fished continuously from Blackwind Lake. A lot of times there were other anglers out. Only a few times I wasn't able to find a pool to fish out of. Based on guides and other info I found, I think the occurence and spwan time of these pools has greatly improved from years past.
Update: wish 2 was also a magical crawdad!
Not the easiest lil dude to find. I found one hatchling right next to a full grown diemetradon, only to kill it sigh. Luckily I found a second one, again paired with a parent, this time successfully caught and a rare P/B to boot. I circled around a few times to see if I could grab a P/P build but there were no others around. Seems like there are only a couple in the herd at a given time. Good luck!
Grabbed a rare balance toad in wetlands on the first one I could find! I circled the wetlands quite a few times before I saw one I could battle.
In addition to what Wain, said: purple bomb / orange body lil crab (1 in 26, or 3.8%) because you need to make sure it doesn't have the explode ability (50/50), it takes quite a long time to get the combination of the color without the selfyeet. Consolation is its very cute