Leolph's Comments
(2) comments by Leolph

Comments by Date (2)
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Re: Squirky
Finished the quest 2 AM got a Wet Rock (ID:144287).
Checked most of the underwater area but as soon as you leave Westrift you're chosen Murloc will stop following you.
I also collected 103 Winterfin Clams from the Island with the cursed murlocs and checked their cave area.
Logged in 11 AM (9 AM was weekly/daily reset for EU) and got the quest "A gift from a Tadpole" again, this time I got a Winterfin Mud Pie (ID 144289).
My chosen Murloc was "Bloop".
Posted: April 05, 2017 5:37:09 AM
Edits: 1
Rating: +1
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I stopped raiding 3 years ago and I don't want to waste so much time again in this type of content. Actually this brought me to the pet battles, for me the "hardcore endgame" for casual players.
I was ok with farming "some" PVP and Family Familar achievement. But with a 1 million pet it was getting clunky and the 3 Deathknight pets are a horrible way to force pet collectors to play content they won't usually play.
Joining sell runs is a fun destroying way to get such pets.