Lelyana's Comments
(6) comments by Lelyana

Comments by Date (6)
Although these might not be guarenteed to spawn as rare, they do seem to have a much higher chance. The first one I found was rare, so at first I thought I was just lucky. I stayed in the area farming for other pets, and after about 10-15 minutes, I saw another Clutch. I checked and it happened to be another rare. I'm not THAT lucky, plus several other people mentioned getting rares on their first try. So if you don't find one the first time, try again before you use a stone.
A good place to hunt for a rare is throughout the House of Constructs. Quite a lot spawn in the water & puddles in the area.
Just wanted to add that after farming these on and off since launch, it appears that they will not spawn as rare quality, same as the boghopper (based on my experience).
These can be found as primary pets north of Krag'Wa's Burrow in Nazmir. However, after more than an hour of farming, I'm pretty sure these will not spawn as rare. I gave up and just settled for a common for now, but I'd be interested to know if anyone finds a wild blue.
I found a poor quality minfernal @ 9:59 today on Bloodhoof US. I was actually logging out when I saw the little paw pop up, and I logged back in fast enough to grab him. I was killing the infernals, but as far as I can tell it didnt have any effect on the spawn. Also, he didnt spawn in the craters as I was expecting, he spawned between the 2 craters closest south. Good Luck everyone who is still waiting!
These spawn as main pet as well as an added. I noticed the majority of them in the Beastwarrens area.