Laynee's Comments
(5) comments by Laynee

Comments by Date (5)
Solo'd this on my 90 Ret this afternoon. No real issues, tbh. The bosses aren't easy, exactly, being solo, but they aren't hard, either. Took about an hour from start to finish.
Kul Tiras, 0810, coords 65,41 west of Thunderfall. I heart was in my throat, especially when I saw she had Unholy Ascension in her lineup. I got her down to 20%, then switched to my Stunted Shardhorn, Schnoze, and just let her beat on me until the trap took. Killed the two Mountain Skunks with her easily. She's of common quality, but I'll be doing dailys and pvping, praying for a battle stone. SHE DOES EXIST!
10:09 am on Kul Tiras...coords of 44,39, tucked in behind a tree. He was common, but no biggie..just happy to finally have this guy. To go along with what others have said, there was NO PAW for him...I just happened to look down and saw him. Almost had a heartattack! Good luck, guys.
Edit: Just got a second one, Poor quality, in almost the exact same spot. This one had a paw, though.
I decided I wanted one of these yesterday, so I parked my Paladin on the Isle, and fought Strand Crabs with 1 lvl 14, 1 lvl 6, and 1 lvl 1 to level the little guys. After doing this for several hours and leveling a good number of pets, it started to rain. I snagged a poor quality, next one was uncommon...then I started searching for my rare. After fighting or killing 4 or 5 of these guys, I captured my rare last night at roughly 2245 server, on Kul Tiras.
Just logged in to a sandstorm on KT. As someone else mentioned, I was able to get blue versions of the sea gull and gold beetle, as well as an H/P and P/P version of the hatchling. Not bad.