Lattana's Comments
(9) comments by Lattana

Comments by Date (9)
Persistance is the Key here. I have been fighting every Fel I have found for about 5 months now. Got more active in the last few days but was begining to think the rare was a myth but I did finally get mine. Think it took me about 40-60 (hard to say since I have been doing it for so long) but I think if you would just sit down one night and really hunt these, you could probably find it. A great fighter, one of the best Elementals actually. Really str. magic and pretty good def.
Well, I must just have unbelievably bad luck, I have yet to get one from a nest after about 100 nests, I now own one thanks to a very lucky and kind guild member. He suggested that there might actually be a bit of a pattern to this after he managed to get 4 in one evening (about 2 hrs of on and off nest raiding). Not sure if it is, but it is an interesting possibility.
This pet is by far one of the best you can find. The combination of Rip and Blood in the Water can almost always take out your enemy or if not, bring it's hp really low. The fact he has Devour means he can self heal too, these three things make him a formatible pet, and mine is one of my top ten pets. It took some time to find a rare, but it was worth the effort, just be careful to mind your surroundings while you fighting in ToT!
I am actually suprised at the low level this one has recived. This turtle is one of my main battle pets (my top Aquatic). His damage is great and the ability to heal is most valuable. Even stands up pretty good against Flying pets. I was so impressed with him, I even named him Tank, cause that is what he is.
While not the best pet, this one is pretty good. Originally I just used it to help me in Pandaria since I didn't have too many 24+ pets but it kind of grew on me. I usually prefer pets that can do some lvl of healing, which this one can, but the damage just doesn't seem to keep up, making it decent but not perfect.
This pet is one of the more effective pets out there, especially when it reaches 10, which gives the Roar ability (which u follow up with Maul for massive damage). The fact that this pet can Hibernate is the key to its success and I have found this one to be easy to lvl up and use in effective battles.
This is my first pet. I have lvled it from 1 - 25 and it is my go to pet. The reason for this is the Cat's ability to heal with the big attack. This pet is beyond useful and I love having it up to 25. I think any pet that has a least some healing ability is the more useful and as long as u plan it out, this one is one of the better ones.
This one surprised me. I have never been a big fan of the moth (I hate fighting them) but I needed a flying pet at high lvl fast so I captured this uncommon one in the Jade Forest. We only supposed to be temporary until I could train a replacement but ended up being a regular. It does great damage and most of the pets I fight miss hitting him about 40% of the time.
Won't lie, this is the luckiest I have been in WoW, got him in one kill. I really like his fighting abilities, easily one of the best pets, especially with his ability to heal (choose between Tranquilty or Emerald Dream). Most of my core pets are self healers, it helps not to rely too hard on Stable Masters and Bandages. This one holds a good combo of damage and protection, worth fighting for. If you havent won him yet, don't give up!