Lari's Comments
(7) comments by Lari

Comments by Date (7)
This CRZ stuff sucks. I've been flying around to the spawn points and all I find are numerous people camping the spots. I checked in on the mini infernal and there's close to 70 people hovering over the area camping for that pet as well.
Caught this little guy at that little pond near niuzao temple from open water. I was there to try and catch the illusive blue one but that's ok, just wish it hadn't taken a week and over 200 stacks of fish and numerous sealed crates! Gear used, Panda fishing charm, weather beaten hat, nat boots, +2 on gloves, lager, heat treated spinning lure, tuskarr spear, Kalu'ak rod for a total 812 fishing. With this amount I should have been able to fish up the Loch Nes!
136 stacks of fish later, numerous sealed crates, the rock in the middle of the pond now in the shape of my dwarven tuchus and still no tiny carp.
I have spent hours upon hours at this place and I have yet to see even one spawn. I don't even see anyone else there camping them which is unusual. I think Norgannon has that cross server problem like some others, we can see them flying over on the flight path but as soon as we get there. there's nothing.
I found an uncommon one after an hour or so, what I find hilarious is him throwing gravy, so I renamed him Leftovers.
I spent three hours looking for a harpy and just one spawned in all of that time, it's an uncommon but I'm happy, I renamed in Exwife.
The drop rate on these new pets is ridiculous, I've killed this thing over 40 times and still no pet.