Ladyhawk_'s Comments
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Anyone know the drop rate? It seems very low. I'm running this on multiple toons.
Got Dibbler on my first try. 50-100% drop rate? This pet keeps dropping for me every time I have tried. The drop rate must be bugged.
The drop rate on the Everliving Spore must be ultra low. Don't see many being sold in Auction House. I've been trying for this every week as well. No luck yet.
I find that this pet is more powerful than any of the other pets with the talent Conflagrate.
You find these in the Blizzard Gear Store where you can buy clothes, plushes, books, and other memorabilia.
Not the regular shop where you can buy mounts, pets, subscriptions, ect. I think people are getting confused by the two sites.
If you do not have Good Friends Rep with Nat Pagal you cannot use this pet. However, you can buy it from Auction House, but cannot learn the pet until you increase your rep.
Yesterday I got a Porcupette in my bag which surprised me. Didn't know you could get other pets from the Torn Sack of Pet Supplies. Today I recieved the Albino Buzzard after my battle with Crysa. Yay!
Got mine today while doing the Suramar questline with an alt in the Halls of the Eclipse. Got it on the 2nd kill. Previously, I tried to farm this with my main with no success. I'm thrilled that I don't have to farm this pet anymore. Whee!
I'm looking forward to Pet Dungeon. They could expand on this idea with rare drops and rewards. Like upgrading stones, toys, a cool mount, rare cagable pets, etc.
I received my Jingles pet today after opening my 15 stolen present. When I summon him he is wearing the wreath.