Kyoat's Comments
(3) comments by Kyoat

Comments by Date (3)
Got him! Your account level on HOTS goes up when your character goes up. It costs 100k XP to go up from level 1 to 2. Your best bet is to level up 20 heroes from level 1 to 2 = 20 matches. Matches lasted on average 15 minutes for me. I recommend going against AI with human team mates (not AI ones, gawd they are awful) and don't go near the PVP areas.
I found these guys after midnight, server time (29 December 2019). Thanks to Deekore's post I was able to get through the green Fel Barrier by letting the mobs kill me & rezzing on the other side. Tip - die near the barrier that's covering the hole (not the wall) as that gets you through to a ledge and after you check that area you can drop to the rest of that area. There are 2 cellar entrances.
This pet does NOT spawn a rare version in the wild. You must use a stone. Don't waste your time farming. I am fairly certain that the blue skin is unique. Grab one, stone it, and happy days :)