Kuromi's Comments
(9) comments by Kuromi

Comments by Date (9)
I found one straight away as soon as i came into Tanaris and had to leave battle as i had lvl 4 pets equipped and as yet have not come across another. I now feel slightly sick after reading your comments that he may be a rare spawn...
Found mine on the first pass of NE of Terror Run at 22:05 server time
Found several along the south bank at 21:45 server time. Accidently killed the first one, and the second one I caught was uncommon.
After wasting time searching all over Wailing Caverns and the Northern Barrens I researched this toad and agree with the others that it would appear there are none you can interact with in either area. I'll get one when I get to another zone.
Found one above the Azureload Mine. He was all on his own and luckily I bagged him before another player. Found him at around 1pm UK time, so available during the day
Found mine around lunch time. There was only 2 in the area (the bit in the middle of the map where the elementals are), so be careful not to kill them if you are trying to catch one, as I waited for ages for respawns and didnt see any more.
I spent hours looking for a ram and couldnt work out why there was none anywhere. After research it turns out they are only there during day light hours. If you want to catch one, then turn up during the day and there is literally hundreds on the mountains. Keep flying around and you will find some you can battle on a flat bit of mountain top.
After looking all over Arathi Highlands for a Hare I had an idea, and started just battling every critter I came across and low and behold on my 2nd fight one turned up as the 2nd critter in the battle.
Gave up looking around Stormwind and Elwyn Forest for one, and got it as a second critter in a battle in Tanaris. Havent found any others as yet on their own, but at least you know you can get one if you fight other creatures here. Got mine at about 22:35 server time.