Kukki3's Comments
(15) comments by Kukki3

Comments by Date (15)
Been camping this guy for ages! Logged in today on the off chance on an alt and it was raining!! Did a few laps of the isle and found no baby apes :( it was teeming with other players and it stopped raining. Gutted!!
So in a fit of rage I relogged as another alt on a different realm, flew straight to the isle and it was raining again!! No other players and loads of baby apes :) found 7 common, 1 common and finally one rare! Very happy now :)
-Relogged onto Magtheridon from Vek'nilash.
Caught mine at 8.05pm realm time on Vek'nilash. In the Fields of Blood, 45:58ish. First and only one I've seen and it was poor :( but can't complain after all the hunting, I'm just glad to have finally seen/caught one!!
-Was really lucky too as I'd been flying round looking for one, spotted the only one in the area, swooped down, engaged and then realised I'd forgotten to change my pets.. had to very gingerly battle it with a level 23... Huge sigh of relief when I didn't kill it!!
This pet dropped for me on my first run through MC, only this one dropped so will keep on trying for the others!
Finally found one of these I could tame!! None in Valley of the four winds, and I couldn't find any in Krasarang, even as 2nd/3rds. I did see some around Lions Landing, but as soon as I landed they disappeared :(
38:87 Paw'don glade, Jade Forest. On one of the islands near the boats, a small group of 2 otters and 2 otter pups.
Its common but I really don't care at this point!!
Found a bunch of these near the Shado Pan Monastery, second one i battled was a rare. Think I got lucky ;) but there really was a load of these guys around so I doubt its not too hard to get a rare.
Finally! 16:56 eu server Vek'nilash, I found and caught my first Spawn of Onyxia! It was common but I dont care. I've camped the area for days waiting to get one and hadnt seen any sightings, so glad I've got this now. My heart did little somersaults when I saw the green paw!!
Half an hour after, 2 more spawned, one grey one green, so i have a green one too :)
I was lucky and got my rare on my 5th try. I was amazed at how many spawns there were in the area. Don't think I've ever seen that before! At least that gives a bit of hope for people hunting rares!
20:58 realm time on Vek'nilash, one spawn and it was uncommon, nearly didn't capture it but glad I did! Haven't seen any others at all, and I stayed in COT for quite a while.
-Forgot to mention, I'd been circling inside the cavern for quite some time, got bored and flew back out to find this little guy waiting for me just outside the entrance on the right (if you have your back to the entrance)
-Another edit, 2 more whelplings just spawned outside but they were grey.
Found one 10 mins ago in the cave with the feral scar yeti's. Only one I could see and it was poor quality :( but hey ho its a pet :D
Logged in about 5 minutes ago right over one of these. Poor quality but the only one I could find in the area. Camped for it earlier for around an hour with no signs so guess I got lucky with a poor quality. Looks pretty cool though :)
EDIT: Just gone back to near enough the same spot and caught a rare, still the only one in the area, seems they spawn in drips and drabs!
Just found one of these on the east side of the crater, many rats about also, and I go and kill it :( guess I'll have to wait a bit longer!
Didn't even know these were about until someone very kindly mentioned one was up across general chat. Got it yesterday, uncommon (the other player was after a rare only) and was the only one I saw in that area the whole time I was there. Quite a nice battle pet if I'm honest
Nabbed one of these yesterday midday, a grey one, near where Borginn Darkfist spawns. Only one I've seen so far so no idea of spawn rate
Caught my FF a few minutes ago (Vek'nilash server time 15:44) and it was rare <3
I flew around the toxic airfield a few times and saw nothing, went to explore outside gnomeregan, came back and caught both the FF and an Irradiated Roach, albeit a poor roach but I've been after one for ages so thats ok.
These seem to pop up quite quickly, or I was just really lucky with my timing.
Finally!!! Camped this pet for months, logging at all different times, and getting thoroughly annoyed that I hadn't seen a single one (minus one owned by someone)
Logged today and found ONE, poor condition, wandering the upper level of Shatter scar vale, towards the big quest mob.
I was starting to lose faith in ever finding one of these! For those interested my server is Vek'nilash, and it was 19:25 server time.
All those that still need this pet, keep camping it'll pay off eventually!!