Krenko's Comments
(4) comments by Krenko

Comments by Date (4)
I read on a BattleNet forum somewhere that a guy had seen a mass spawn (6-8) just after server reset, and managed to capture one. Out of curiousity he went back the same time on the next three days, and at exactly the same time each day there was a similar mass respawn.
Not been able to validate this yet, since my server didn't shut down at last maintenance, but I'll be waiting forĀ it this Wednesday morning (EU is Weds, not Tues), and will report back if they spawn, and respawn also at the same time the next day.
Agree with the below comments; I was looking for a Fungal Moth at around 46:83 and came across dozens of Emeralds which were rareĀ about 1 in 3 spawns. Felt guilty despawning all those rares just looking for a moth :(
Aye, ignore the comments saying there are none on the Crimson Expanse. I did a lap 18:00 server time and found 12 spawns. No rares, but several uncommons.
Wonderfully cute pet. As noted below though, despite most of the legendaries having 4400 HP, they went down surprisingly easily. Most only required one pet of the appropriate opposite class.
To be honest, there was more time spent flying around than actually battling.