Krallkrum's Comments
(3) comments by Krallkrum

Comments by Date (3)
1-3 of 3
Re: Darkmoon Eye
No eye yet and 1 more day this month, but Im happy I finally got my last pandaren spirit today. This guy is easy with crimson hatchling (eye) in 3 shots, singing sunflower (tonk) (leave sunflower up against monkey to absorb stun), then clockwork gnome to finish the monkey.
Posted: January 12, 2013 6:13:52 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: +1
Made he long trek there on an 85 rogue, since my mains realm was in a time zone 3 hours off my rl time. 900 lanterns went out, and festival parons showed up. 902 achievement popped up, a couple seconds these guys showed. There were about 25 others there and looked like 5 turtles. sprint, fight, capture. a poor quality, but no chance to ever get a second shot in the same week. my suggestion is to stand far away from everyone else and macro a target...and keep fingers crossed. gl all
Posted: November 18, 2012 9:30:03 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: -1
1-3 of 3
I dont normally like even reading negative comments, but I have to agree. This pet was suposed to be found under the tree, so I have been slacking in the daily. I dont think this is possible, since I opened the gift on 39 different toons today and not one rotten helper.