Korendir's Comments
(4) comments by Korendir

Comments by Date (4)
I am just curious. Is it random which side of Maraudon is capturable? At the moment, only the Amethyst side is capturable. The Amber side (orange), all of the Topaz Shale Hatchlings (TSH) are only level 1 critters. Not a single one is capturable. Anyone know if that is how it works?
Update: Only 1 TSH is capturable at a given time on the Amber side of Maraudon and it seems to be on a 3min cycle.. After 3 mins there is another that is capturable after you battle it.
Found my rare in Azshara. Came as a partner to a Twilight Beetle, but you can also find them at the Rocket Exchange area and stuff.. Along with the Robo-Chick too.
Funny thing is, the Robo-Chick was also a partner to a Twilight Spider.
Well, just found my rare Robo-Chick in Azshara. Came as a partner to a Twilight Spider. The same thing happened with the Rabid Nut Varmint 5000 but with a Twilight Beetle.
Ruins of Alterac is a zone by itself. Battle Rats[3] possibility of Hare as 2ndary, in Strahnbrad (takes up BP spots so battle 2 if they respawn). Go through Crushridge (higher % of spawns) and beyond as shown on Wowhead/Pettracker. Ignore spawn 53,23 -bugged (AoE may kill it). You don't have to kill the non-BP Hares, but you can. After I battled the Rats, the BP Hares were already spawning. The Hares de/spawn after a while, even the BP one. I got my rare this way. More info on Wowhead(Korleth).