Kopciuszek's Comments
(6) comments by Kopciuszek

Comments by Date (6)
1-6 of 6
That was a real challenge for me as a crazy collector. Swamp of Sorrows: 3 days, about 30 hrs of grinding and over 400 bags opened... finally it dropped... :) great feeling... now I can move onto another pet target, yay...
Posted: December 04, 2010 12:17:13 PM
Edits: 1
Rating: +1
I got this little cutey after exactly 701 kills from Noxious Whelps in Feralas so it seems that's where crazy pet collectors should grind now. :) good luck!
Posted: November 30, 2010 7:20:14 PM
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Rating: 0
Re: Dark Whelpling
After 6 hours of grinding I finally got that little cutey. :D It was worth every minute I have spent in Badlands (Lethlor Ravine). At the end my BF was looking at me like I'm some sort of a freak lol. I advise empty bags cos' the whelps seem to spawn faster if you loot all of them. Apart from that there is no golden mean to get it. Patience and patience I guess. GL !!! :)
Posted: November 28, 2009 11:26:47 PM
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Rating: 0
This must be my lucky day. :) First I got the pet from Dustwallow Marsh and now that one. Again SilverDragon addon occurred handy cos' it flashed red and gave the option to target her when I got close enough to be in range. She was at the back of the cave. Very easy and great reward. :)
Posted: November 27, 2009 5:12:26 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: -1
I was pretty lucky. :) I went today to the location which was given in Dustwallow Marsh and my SilverDragon addon spotted him immediately. It was hard to notice at first where exactly he is cos' the mob is sprinting all around the place but finally I caught him at 10:05am server time (48.9; 18.4).
The pet is adorable and it is my 5th one so only 3 to go. :)
GL all.
The pet is adorable and it is my 5th one so only 3 to go. :)
GL all.
Posted: November 27, 2009 4:21:39 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: -1
1-6 of 6
I was camping to get this one for a while before I realised that my lvl82 is not going to be able to see them spawn. It rained a few times but there were never any monkeys around. I think it's because of Cataclysm.
I changed to lvl100 and camped again. Today it started raining on Khadgar at 9:45pm server time (still raining while I am writing this). I had enough time to catch two blues and a green one despite the fact that I killed first 3 I battled with. Had to swap to lvl 16 instead of 25.