Komi's Comments
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After multiple battles, it seems very likely that this pet will not appear as an add to your fight. You must find an owl spawn to nab it.
Thanks to WarcraftPets for letting me know they were up; got mine (common) just after midnight up by Frostsaber Rock.
(Also saw Siam-Rotan and Rak'shiri... ah, a moment of nostalgia for the good ol' days when Winterspring was endgame content.)
If you see owls on the flight in, but then when you land, they are gone, you are a victim of cross-realm zoning. When you are flying, you're "on" one server, but when you land, you're in another, shared by all servers in your data center, not just your battlegroup. Same deal with minfernal and scourged whelpling. Best of luck to everyone!
Create a /tar wanderer's festival hatchling macro and bind a key to Interact with Target for fastest response. If you've got these ready to spam (I used keys 1 and 2), you can beat the guys clustered at the statue/water's edge to the nearest hatchling. There was a comment on wowhead: Blink and you'll miss it .. and it's true. Good luck everyone!
Edit: Hour nine, Fox Kit dropped. Happily, with all the time spent in this zone, I doubled up and got the Rustberg Gull too.
About the size of the Mechanical Squirrel.
BE CAREFUL. When you GET the cricket from Sho, the Chirping Cage item is trade-able, but ONCE YOU LEARN IT, you CANNOT cage it and trade it. Now I have a useless extra cricket rather than a valuable trading item. Beware of the too-quick-click!