Knirpslyn's Comments
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I decided to tell the 15-30 players who regularly float 'camp' above the Area 52 Minfernal spawn points about its spawning paramaters... I was met with 'no u dont kno wat ur tlking bout' 'nothing 2 do wit killin'. So, I proceeded to kill a tainted rat, and watch as a Minfernal instantly spawned in it's place, which I then battled and captured. When I came out of the battle, there were 12 players surrounding me, some of whom took the hint and began to kill critters. The more you know!
Logged into a PVPRP to farm. Over 20 inside the cave, over 13 outside. The spawn points go from a few feet outside the surface area labeled 'Caverns of Time', about 3 spawn points, to 10~ within the CoT surface area, to 10~ down the spiral walkway, and 10 at the bottom. However, NONE spawned within the instance specific walkways. Good luck, took all 33 to get my rare. Note: You can not see every spawn from the surface, so go all the way down!
This is the first pet I decided to look at the stats on and compare breeds...the numbers aren't right. This Polly is UC lvl 7 with 342 HP, 75 attack and 118 speed. Taking his buff off puts him at 342 HP, 75 attack, and 79 speed, which fits the breed 10, 20 for atk and speed, but not for HP.
Is there naturally a discrepancy in stats or what?
I've 'farmed' here before, but all it included was running in and looking for already spawned Oozlings. Try clearing the caves...not of the mobs, but of the critters! After killing every maggot I came across (inside and on top of the cave), I spawned over 12 of these Oozlings in a about 10 minutes and was able to find my rare.
So, after getting absolutely bored after 3 days of farming secondary pets in conjunction with my Lofty Libram search, I seem to have found the key to pet farming...
Find one of the spawn points of the Snowshoe Hare and kill it. The critters are instant spawning, and will just spawn after like 20 seconds, if it stops spawning, check the other spawn points. At some point, a battle pet Snowshoe Hare will spawn in the critter spot, viola. I got my rare in 10 minutes after 3 battles.
I'm seriously going to die if I miss this. I have never wanted a pet so badly on WoW before. It's sort of an insult that it'll be so easy to get so everyone will have one...but I'll take it!