Klementine's Comments
(6) comments by Klementine

Comments by Date (6)
Rare US-Tich server at 13:26 right outside the very entrance. I had killed off a lot of commons, and had grabbed uncommon just in case no rare. It finally showed with a uncommon stinkbug :)
Found quite a few uncommons and had to go around a bit killing them off, finally got a level 11 rare on Tich-US server at 12 pm server time. I think the idea to get a beginning dragon if you don't have access to the Celestial Dragon, this is a great alt dragon.
Rare at 11:22 A.M. Tich US server time. I was about to give up too, I had killed a couple uncommons and a couple commons. The Ancona Chix that come with most of them said not able to capture though. Got mine near the first Twilight Bulwark area, right near where the ramp comes up from the water.
First one i battled was a rare, in Wyrmbog. :) Makes up for the rare scorpid I killed on accident today :P
Found it rare on Tichondrius US @ 6:20 p.m. server time. I was farming for the Lofty Librams, and ended up getting a rare Libram as well, right to the eastern side of Dalaran Crater. I was just about to leave, and I thought, well, I'll battle this Red-Tailed chipmunk, and there he was. Needless to say super stoked, as I farmed for a rare spirit crab til I was bored today :P
I saw 1 spawned and killed it last night. That must've been a mistake, because for nearly 24 hrs, none were around. Happened to randomly log at 12:28 server US-Tich time, and a lot were around, didn't see any rares, but took my poor quality....A little while later, found only an Uncommon. Lots of ppl there farming them as well. I did get a RARE Alpine Hare and RARE Robo-Chick in the process. I'll just upgrade with a stone if necessary :P