Kjer's Comments
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This is far and away the best pet for leveling other pets. Use: Bite, Primal Cry, and Devour. Then head to the Heartland in the Valley of the Four Winds and take on all of the critters in the area. It's generally good to have the pet that you're leveling start the battle and already be lvl 6+.
In general, the Anklerender can solo everything and end with full health. It is unique among the Zandalari with this skill set.
Posted: July 22, 2014 12:38:21 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: +4
1-2 of 2
This being the only frog with a P/P build, this means he's got the most powerful heal and water jet of the bunch. I highly recommend adding one to your stable. I consider him my go-to among my aquatic pets.