Kita's Comments
(7) comments by Kita

Comments by Date (7)
Camping was not doing me any good, it seemed, so I flew around and FINALLY caught mine slightly South of Skorn! Much easier, and managed to snag some Cobalt Ore while flying! Much more productive. I love this little pet and will be upgrading her soon!
Found mine on my level 70 alliance toon as a secondary pet to a Yellow-Bellied Marmot! Finally got my Eastern Kingdoms Safari achievement! :D
I had parked an alt down on the island to check to see if it was raining, and for what seemed like a week I had no luck. I even spent an entire day camped there, alt-tabbed while I did other work. No luck then either! FINALLY, right before heading to bed, I logged on to the glorious sounds of rain! I engaged the first Baby Ape I saw (uncommon!), and captured it just in time for the rain to clear. :D Stay tenacious, my friends, they are out there!
Originally, I wasn't a fan of this pet, but he isn't too shabby in a battle! And at least the Guardian Cub doesn't look as goofy as the Quilen Cub.
The horn on this little guy's head... Oh my. Super cute!
Found one near Grizzlemaw and to my suprise, was a rare! :D After I caught him, I named him "Murica." XD
FINALLY! Captured a common at 5:25AM Server time on US-Thrall. Logged on at 5:05 and kept circling the area until one popped up. Zookeeper, HUZZAH!