Kiskisi's Comments
(4) comments by Kiskisi

Comments by Date (4)
1-4 of 4
Re: Arcane Eye
After 6 tries, I captured my rare just up the road from Kara, a little east of the lake. It was between 7 & 7:45pm, and they seem to spawn 1 at a time all around Kara, in 1-2 minute intervals.
Posted: November 29, 2012 7:47:46 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: 0
Re: Shy Bandicoon
First one (L24 rare) encountered and captured at 27, 56 within range of a few others. HPS @ 1244, 226, 286.
Posted: October 21, 2012 8:59:30 AM
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Rating: 0
I entered the zone around 7am to a Sandstorm in progress. They were scattered around at both nests. 5 at Gaping and 3 at Noxious, all of which were poor and common quality. Killing adults didn't force spawns. Kept checking back every few minutes and still no respawns. Based on this I can safely assume that there are no additional spawns after the initial.
Edit: Rare @ 6am at Noxious. After camping the area for several days and logging over at different points daily.
Posted: October 20, 2012 7:45:51 AM
Edits: 1
Rating: -1
Flew into the zone around 7:30am to Manaforge Ara, but found non there. Went over to B'naar and there were a few spread across the area and I got my rare on my 3rd try. GL to you.
Posted: October 19, 2012 8:18:11 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: +1
1-4 of 4