Kikaroo's Comments
(3) comments by Kikaroo

Comments by Date (3)
1-3 of 3
I've been chasing this pet for months on 14 different characters, was beginning to think he didn't exist. Finally got him to drop last night on #13 for this round!
The character who finally got it didn't do any of the main questing in Val'Sharah, but not sure about any side quests (doubtful, she's low on the totem pole).
So glad that grind is done!
Posted: March 19, 2019 12:37:53 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: +1
Just a note on this one - United Nations only counts reps from ONE person. I had 53 exalted reps when I got honored with my guild; by the time another guildie hit honored I had gotten one more (so I had 54). She had one I didn't have, yet it didn't count. When I got another one up to exalted a day later, we got the achievement. I submitted a ticket and asked about it, and the response was "working as intended".
So, hope your guild has one faction oriented person. >_>
So, hope your guild has one faction oriented person. >_>
Posted: January 17, 2011 2:03:31 AM
Edits: 1
Rating: +2
1-3 of 3
Those that have looted this one, was it on a Kyrian? A friend got this last night from the golden steward chest and she was on a Kyrian.
I've been looting most chests whenever they are up on my 3 max toons with nothing so far, but of course none are Kyrian which is what leads me to believe if it's not just super rare, it might be Kyrian only. Saw yesterday somebody on WowHead asked the same thing, so I thought I'd ask here.