Khlammy's Comments
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Hey, I've been doing some digging and came across this old newspaper article about a butterfly industry on (the real) Devil's Island. It refers to "the art of capturing the rare Morphos butterfly", suggesting a technique of some kind. Morphos are bright blue instead of purple but they're iridescent so maybe?
Anyway, I searched "how to catch morphos" and found this video which shows a guy using a reflective device with his butterfly net to catch them.
I have no idea if any of this is even remotely relevant, but since nobody's found Papi yet I'd throw up what I've been able to find and maybe someone will have an idea on what to try.
Hoping to find Papi soon!
I have to echo the sentiments here. In Legion, Blizz seems to miss that pet collecting is, itself, a game with a substantial and passionate community behind it. Many of us will go to crazy lengths to increase the size and quality of our collections. Generally however, pet collecting has been accessible to anyone, regardless of their playstyle. Folks with other interests (PvP, raiding, etc.) have traditionally been rewarded with mounts.
We are now presented with pets as rewards for multiple, unusually large time commitments. To complete your collection, you must prestige 7 times, *twice*, achieve 52 levels of artifact power *four times* across two alts (and level 4 more), farm up a million gold and put up with exasperating RNG. With 7.2.5, you now need to be part of an elite raiding group while you might *still* be grinding the rest.
With this kind of broad-based time commitment compressed into a single expansion, the accessibility of pet collecting seems lost.
I don't even pet battle - just did enough to get my Direhorn - and I was beaten by the howl bomb strategy many times. But it seems to me there are a LOT of counters to the howl bomb that people can choose going into a pet battle - it's not at all a guaranteed strike and (in the case of the Water Spirit) you have lots of time to prepare for it. I agree with others - this isn't "tuning" as much as it is "crippling a useful and valid strategy". With the introduction of new pets, it seems there is the opportunity to provide additional counters versus nerfing play modes that people enjoy. Just my two cents.
Thanks for everything, Doobjanka. You did so much!
A little scotch, a little Drambuie and just a TITCH of slime and presto, you have yourself a Rusty Snail. Tasty after kicking Elemental butt.
Isn't...Yu'lon supposed to be green and pretty? (giggle)
Dragonling suicide is enough to make you cry, especially when you've farmed for ages and finally found that elusive rare. A couple suggestions:
a) Note that this dragon uses the lift off ability early in the fight which means you effectively miss a turn. The longer this fight goes, the more damage scorched earth does to the pet. It's important to get the dragon low enough to capture early, so you can maximize your capture attempts.
b) Use the Terrible Turnip pet, and make sure he's in your first slot. His humanoid damage brings the dragon down quickly which gives you more times to attempt a capture before scorched earth ends your fight prematurely. If you have to swap him in, you'll find you lose two turns.
c) If you think you only have one more capture attempt left before the dragon kills itself, don't continue. Exit WoW and relog. The pet will be waiting for you back at full health.
It's not a cage sitting by itself on the ground unless it's recently been released - it's in an untargetable cage above the ground - you can see the bat inside flying in place, although you can't target the bat either. The cage is connected to the ground by a "Chain of Domination" that doesn't look attackable when you walk by it, but totally is. Destroy the chain and the cage will fall to the ground and you can loot it (and so can others nearby). The coords are 30.0 43.2. There's likely a despawn/respawn timer, however.