Kevinp812's Comments
(5) comments by Kevinp812

Comments by Date (5)
so im just sittin in IF commons and i see someone list a few pets, i whispered her inquiring how much for the clockwork gnome and she says 50g, my jaw dropped, i immediatly say SOLD...sometimes it pays to just sit around and watch trade...she even brought it to me...was my lucky day tho, i git a gilnean raven at the AH for 100g
I started in the Borean Tundra then Dragonblight, into Crystalsong, and found mine at the first spawn site I came to in Zul Drak around 3pm server time. It is a common B/B, but I'll take it.
i have only been doing this quest for 5 days and ive gotten the crocolisk quest 3 times, got muckbreath the 1st time and got snarly this morning.
i got this one on my first try at this drop. love him, cant wait for the others.
I got humanoid stone this morning and nothing really to burn it on. So I did a lil research, there isnt alot of humanods to use a stone on. I didnt have 1 of these yet, got a poor as soon as i got there and noticed numerous others around, 15 mins i had a rare. Still got the stone but i am gonna use it on my sons Ashleaf Spriteling that i gave him. Eitrigg realm, 2pm server time.