Kes' Comments
(6) comments by Kes

Comments by Date (6)
Around 6:30pm server time on Trollbane, flew into Winter's Blossom, it was snowing, and I headed north up the path. Found one just around the first bend and it was a rare.
Found them easy enough today in Thundermar and Kirthaven, but I'm Horde and it wouldn't let me battle them even though they have pet icons. There was one hanging out by the flight path in Thundermar (which I killed trying to get it to battle) and two by the flight path in Kirthaven. Back to battling other pets in hopes of getting lucky!
Been watching one spawn every 10 mins in the same spot on the East side of Wyrmbog. Flying around I haven't seen any others, and am at one common and two poors so far.
Found a common one this afternoon just outside Vendetta Point. Flew all over this morning with no luck, logged back on and decided to fly north and found one within two minutes. Wasn't in a herd, just wandering on its own, and the second pet in the battle was an untameable rare Gazelle. Happy to find the giraffe!
Lucked out and found a rare on the first attempt just west of Terror Run. Second two pets added to the battle were just common Ash Lizard and Long Tailed Mole.
Not only is this guy a good looking frog, I'm excited about his croak and bubble abilities. I'm using an aquatic stone to upgrade the blue skin one I got since I find farming pets on the Isle of Thunder to be a lot of work (and a lot of dying for me).