Keristrazja's Comments
(17) comments by

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1-17 of 17
Re: Frigid Frostling
Like a lot of people, I was not pleased with the drop rate or method of attaining this pet.Personally, I think it's ridiculous to have something with such a minuscule chance of dropping be available for only 14 days out of the year, especially considering that it's a non-combat pet and does nothing other than add flavor.
Give it a ridiculously low drop rate if you must, but at least make it drop from the chest, so that it can be farmed. 14 chances at less than 2% per try are long odds.
Posted: August 13, 2010 9:16:08 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: +5
Re: Worg Pup
I love this little guy. Granted, he may be just a scaled version of a regular worg, but as a Hunter, he looks like the puppy version of my tamed Sentry Worg.
Posted: December 26, 2009 6:07:56 PM
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Rating: -1
Re: Tuskarr Kite
As noted by many others, this kite despawns when you mount, just as the Dragon Kite does.A friend of mine who also happens to be in the gaming industry told me that it likely has to do with character location call functions. The kite is connected by a graphical "string", and when you mount, the approximate anchor point for the character-end of the string changes, creating an error that is (lazily) solved by just programming in a "despawn-on-mount" function.
Posted: December 26, 2009 5:59:55 PM
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Rating: +4
My best advice for a way to "farm" this pet, as well as the other Winter's Veil pets, is to level a whole bunch of alts to lv20+. This in itself shouldn't take long, and it guarantees more chances at actually getting the pets for free, and not having to pay for them.
Also, if you do buy them, try to do it when there's an abundance on the AH. Come July-August, these pets can fetch as much as 10k+, depending on your server.
Also, if you do buy them, try to do it when there's an abundance on the AH. Come July-August, these pets can fetch as much as 10k+, depending on your server.
Posted: December 03, 2009 8:26:45 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: -2
Re: Tiny Snowman
My best advice for a way to "farm" this pet, as well as the other Winter's Veil pets, is to level a whole bunch of alts to lv20+. This in itself shouldn't take long, and it guarantees more chances at actually getting the pets for free, and not having to pay for them.Also, if you do buy them, try to do it when there's an abundance on the AH. Come July-August, these pets can fetch as much as 10k+, depending on your server.
Posted: December 03, 2009 8:26:34 PM
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Rating: +1
My best advice for a way to "farm" this pet, as well as the other Winter's Veil pets, is to level a whole bunch of alts to lv20+. This in itself shouldn't take long, and it guarantees more chances at actually getting the pets for free, and not having to pay for them.
Also, if you do buy them, try to do it when there's an abundance on the AH. Come July-August, these pets can fetch as much as 10k+, depending on your server.
Also, if you do buy them, try to do it when there's an abundance on the AH. Come July-August, these pets can fetch as much as 10k+, depending on your server.
Posted: December 03, 2009 8:26:05 PM
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Rating: 0
Re: Winter Reindeer
My best advice for a way to "farm" this pet, as well as the other Winter's Veil pets, is to level a whole bunch of alts to lv20+. This in itself shouldn't take long, and it guarantees more chances at actually getting the pets for free, and not having to pay for them.Also, if you do buy them, try to do it when there's an abundance on the AH. Come July-August, these pets can fetch as much as 10k+, depending on your server.
Posted: December 03, 2009 8:25:05 PM
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Rating: +5
I don't care what anyone thinks, these little guys are cute!
A good macro for summoning him:
/script local t="CRITTER";for i=1,GetNumCompanions(t) do local _,n,_,_,s=GetCompanionInfo(t,i);if n=="Onyxian Whelpling" then if s then DismissCompanion(t,i) else CallCompanion(t,i);SendChatMessage("Many whelps! Handle it!","YELL") end end end
It'll yell "Many whelps! Handle it!" on summon, but not on dismissal. Enjoy!
A good macro for summoning him:
/script local t="CRITTER";for i=1,GetNumCompanions(t) do local _,n,_,_,s=GetCompanionInfo(t,i);if n=="Onyxian Whelpling" then if s then DismissCompanion(t,i) else CallCompanion(t,i);SendChatMessage("Many whelps! Handle it!","YELL") end end end
It'll yell "Many whelps! Handle it!" on summon, but not on dismissal. Enjoy!
Posted: November 22, 2009 3:40:36 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: +6
Re: Peddlefeet
Because this guy is really only farmable once an hour, and the event lasts for 6 days, you've basically got about 144 chances to get him, if you do like I did and set an alarm to wake you.Of course, I did that last year, and I still didn't get him…
Posted: October 07, 2009 1:59:22 PM
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Rating: +5
Re: Dragon Kite
A friend of mine was awesome enough to give me this, and I love it! The purple version would go great with my Violet Proto-Drake… assuming you could use it while mounted.That's right, this is one of, if not the only, pet that despawns when you mount. Kind of sad, in a way. I'd love to see it trailing behind someone moving full tilt on a 310% mount.
Posted: October 05, 2009 3:41:44 PM
Edits: 1
Rating: +2
Re: Wood Frog
This frog can be somewhat irritating to acquire at times, due to being sold in limited quantities, for a limited amount of time each month. Expect the AH prices to be jacked immediately after the fair ends.
Posted: October 05, 2009 2:28:50 PM
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Rating: -3
There's so many tips to farming the books for this pet, I can't even begin to list them all.
Once you get him, hang onto the book. It makes a nice place to go hide and escape the Dalaran Lag yet still be able to converse in trade channel.
Once you get him, hang onto the book. It makes a nice place to go hide and escape the Dalaran Lag yet still be able to converse in trade channel.
Posted: October 04, 2009 9:47:02 PM
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Rating: 0
Re: Argent Squire
Since I'm prone to spending ridiculous amounts of time away from major cities, ergo my bank, having this little guy and his pony was a must. Now, as long as I remember to manufacture the ammo I need, I always have access to the extra in my bank.
Posted: October 04, 2009 9:26:07 PM
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Rating: -1
I love this little guy. He's especially cool looking when you're mounted on a Cenarion Hippogryph and have the "Guardian of Cenarius" title displayed. Extra points if you're also a druid. ;)
Posted: October 02, 2009 2:28:28 AM
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Rating: +6
I was very disappointed by this pet. Getting to Exalted with The Silver Covenant, while not impossibly hard, still warrants more than a recycled, slightly altered edition of the Mana Wyrmling.
Frankly, if it weren't for my desire and compulsion for completeness, I would have likely passed on this pet as a waste of Champion's Seals.
Frankly, if it weren't for my desire and compulsion for completeness, I would have likely passed on this pet as a waste of Champion's Seals.
Posted: October 01, 2009 11:41:54 PM
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Rating: 0
Re: Mojo
When you're farming for Mojo, make sure that you use any Amani Hex Sticks you get as soon as possible. They de-spawn on death and exiting the instance, so put them on a hotkey and spam the frogs every time you go by!A macro I made:
/target forest frog
/use Amani Hex Stick
You can run out and just spam that as you're going by, if Mojo procs, he'll jump right into your bag!
Posted: September 26, 2009 10:46:49 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: +15
1-17 of 17
I was torn my first time spotting her… as a Hunter, I wanrted to tame her, but the pet collection urge is strong with this one! In the end, I opted to get the pet first. I still tamed her later on, though. ;)