Kayrah's Comments
(2) comments by Kayrah

Comments by Date (2)
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Re: Tiny Red Carp
Hello caught yesterday at lake near Nizaou Temple after 215 casts in open water. 850+ skill
Posted: February 01, 2015 6:41:46 AM
Edits: 1
Rating: 0
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Killed the fleeting ones on the west-southwest coast. When one spawned southwest. When he was on low health, but not enough to capture it, i forfeit the battle to change some spells. Afraid to kill it. Lucky for me he came back. Did another try but killed it because of a crit shot. Could cry. Flew to the fishing trainer on the west. And there was another one. Put a Terrible Turnip in slot one and finally got it. Guess luck was on my side :)