Katsboi's Comments
(11) comments by Katsboi

Comments by Date (11)
So Is the correct invasion required for this one?
Easiest way to do this IMO is with snails, stong against flying my Scooter took out first 2 and half the last.
I am happy they gave both pets, it looked as if they were going to make you choose one by the posts for the convention.
Never say Blizzard customer service does not care. They gave my Grunty on my new account after I lost control of my old account. I am a former USMC and am disabled so they took pity on me and I am so happy to have him back.
The carpet in the Ally Area is in the portal room in the rear just past the huge archer statue and in front of the seige engines.
Might have missed this but can he be a secondary spawn or does he have to be a primary?
Spot on about the Libram camp, I got mine finally while camping there.
I have noticed that vs the tank the Azure Whelpling can be very effective with his Ice Tomb ability hes pretty lethal.
Finally got my rare today after a 7 and a half hour non stop camp, must have killed off 20 plus rare flies by the time it was all said and done. Good luck all on this one.
Got mine last night finally, first battle and a rare, decided to keep trying and got all 3 rares in 5 battles, finally something went my way in these battles, now to wait till summer to catch the last one.
Can confirm it drops off trash, did dailies, went to vendor and had it in my bag.