Katmandu26's Comments
(2) comments by Katmandu26

Comments by Date (2)
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Re: Minfernal
I just caught a poor quality one on a low population server so the DK trick listed in the previous comments really does work. It should also be noted that it spawned immediately after I killed Immolatus. It seems that some think he's tied to the spawns and some think he's not tied at all, but for folks having problems getting this pet it might help to kill him anyway, tied or not.
Posted: January 25, 2013 2:55:18 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: 0
1-2 of 2
I really enjoyed this article! I play with my daughter and husband and pet collecting is a big part of WoW for me. I don't play on EU servers so I won't be running in to you, but you're definitely a great ambassador for pet collecting. Happy collecting and hope you get them all!