Kateuk's Comments
(3) comments by Kateuk

Comments by Date (3)
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I would love to be involved with an EU version
Posted: March 05, 2015 4:02:25 PM
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Rating: 0
I usually use a mirror strider/Fluxfire feline/moth combination. Make sure the moth's abilities aren't the multi attack ones. Works for me and I got my Earth spirit pet drop today :)
Posted: July 21, 2013 9:44:05 AM
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Rating: 0
1-3 of 3
I've had a low-ish level horde priest parked there doing this every day for over a month. Nothing yet but a couple of battle stones and the inevitable bandages. It must be a really low drop rate. On the plus side I'm throwing in a mid-level levelling pet.
2 months on, alt is now level 51 and still no pet....
Now nearly 5 months on, my alt has just hit level 60 and finally a pet dropped. Just not the one I wanted. A flipping Porcupette. I already have that :(