Katakita's Comments
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If you are on a low pop realm, a fast way to get the Darkmoon Daggermaw needed to buy the pet is to fish in the pools around Darkmoon isle, they give 2x4-6 fish before it despawns.
@Trael - The drop rate dosent change depending on spots, it just has a low droprate:/ Last night i fished for over an hour and got zip, today when i got home i fished for about 25min and got 3 (same spot in the lava lake behind the Garrison) It seems to be at the 1% droprate that posts and long time fishers posts //Chromie
Just dinged him 25 this morning - He is HS breed from what i can see:)
She does spawn in the same place, the wolfs u have to kill to make her spawn however are almost all over the isle where there are forest.
Edit - Why downrate facts?
I would love this as a flying mount♥
Sitting there at 4am, really tired just leveling lowbies while wating for a sandstorm, mindlessly spamming my kun-lai runts rampage to put an end to those critters, looks up and realise that it has a blue SS sand kitten with it...i think *YAY*...kun-lai runt thinks *smash*...i named him Hodor after that cus hes so stupid.
Watch out for the several-round abilitys should u be tunnelvisioning as i did
There is a very high chance that these rabbits join in as secondarys on lvl5+ pets all over the zone. I myself found 3rares (one shiny:) out of 7battles trying to get my rare buzzer.
Finally cought her after 2days (almost) non stop farming, i started camping the the top eastern spawn point in SP and took quite alot of rounds, the second time i came back to my original spot she was wating for me:)
I had seen her there once before but was cooking dinner so i lost her to someone else:/ I must say that for my part a combination of the macro and NPC-scan worked their magic.
If you are on a low pop realm, a fast way to get the Darkmoon Daggermaw needed to buy the pet is to fish in the pools around Darkmoon isle, they give 2x4-6 fish before it despawns.