Kat73's Comments
(10) comments by Kat73

Comments by Date (10)
Love this little guy (mine lvl 5)
Flying to ALL candy buckets ... ALL 5 zones ... will take one day .. but it will get you about 300 candy.
EG.. level 90 Char , visted Pandaria , Outland , Northrend , Eastern Kingdom , Kalimdor and did one lot of dailies of achievement ...got me about 300 which is enough to get one of these little guys and one of the others offered this year
I have been on the island a few times to see if I can get this little guy.
I now have three and all 3 times it has been late in the afternoon.
( 5.15pm , 5.30 , 5.25 ) Just a theory. Mybe it is different on other realms I'm on Calestrasz.
yep cave is best... got 1st on 100 casts , got 2nd on 172.
died a few times before I saw this clip.. hope its helpfull if you dont know where it is
I would seriously love to buy in-game pets. But the only opption is via creditcard.. which is very disapointing
second day of flying around . Found one just outside Gromgol . He is so well camoflaged it aint funny
5/4/2014... 5.28pm Aman'Thul Server at the start point close to the docks
2.30.pm got a green it was hiding in one of the tree crevaces. Thanks to ingame pet tracking cause I would never had see it.
And as Delffingers7 said that there was one in a tree.... yeah annoying , found the tree.(bottom of the area) but could not spot the spider
Ok so I found the two pups and the adult. on the beach (Karasang ) BUT as soon as I get to close they dissapear.... I cant get close enough for the paw icon to go green. WT ???? has anyone else had this happen ?
I got one (grey) up near K3 Stormpeaks. Between the metal trap door looking object and the cave with the spiders . She was up on the first level of snow
Calastraz 5.28pm
yep area is correct.. not too many around cute guy but used a N' Whisp lvl25 rare and nearly killed it in two hits