Kalliae's Comments
(10) comments by Kalliae

Comments by Date (10)
I finally decided to farm this today at 67.53, 47.16 and after 5,109 attempts I got it! lol This is a great spot that you never have to move from as the mobs (Ebon Slavehunters and Dragonmaw Whelpstealers) come right to you. Got a lot of blues and greens and collected about 800g from the trash. Made a nice profit from all the blues and mats from de'ing the greens...around 5k
Been looking years for this and finally got it yesterday. Parked an alt on the island and after the second day of checking it finally rained. Was around 8:30 server time and lasted about 15 minutes. Most of them were on the NE side of island and a few under trees on that side. Plan to hang around for a few hours here and there unless you just get lucky. This was one of the harder to find pets for me.
Not too happy about this. I have been working hard to move myself up in the top 20s and all the sudden I'm 77 :( . In fact I had just reached 20 and was almost to 19th and was excited to almost been in the teens.
I feel like I am starting all over again. I wish there was a toggle button as others have been saying. Very frustrating.
I had to kill the Matriarch 5 times before it spawned. It is still spawning in the same place 79.7 -- 69.6. I was beginning to wonder if it was spawning somewhere else!
Dropped after 4th win. I used Dark Phoenix Hatchling and 2 Fel Flames.
dark flame, pet gets swapped.
Fel flame - Immolate, pet gets swapped
Hatchling - Conflagrate gets swapped
Fel flame -Conflagrate and Corporal Hammer dies
M37 - Fel flame immolate, conflagrate, burn until dead.
on Clamp keep up immolate, conflagrate and burn a couple times he dies...watch the fire bomb dots tick away and hope you live lol
I have two rare Highlands Turkeys level 23 and 22 and an uncommon level 23. They make a battle team that can beat almost anything and take no damage at all for the whole fight lol. If you lead out with Food Coma, swap to turkey #2 use peck, then food coma, swap to turkey #3 peck then food coma...and keep repeating....works like a charm. I have beaten even some of the legendary pets in pandaria with this rotation and not taken a single hit.
While looking for the Whelpling outside the Caverns of Time I came across a couple of these Sand Kittens I put him in a battle slot right away to start leveling and it is a great battle pet. I actually got two Sand Kitten -P/S and Sand Kitten - S/S (might have to upgrade this one to rare)
My first couple circles through the area I came up with nothing. Around 12:30 server time today I flew through and they were everywhere. I found a Rare P/S on about the fourth one and also got a common one. I read the comments about what a great battle pet it is so I am excited to level this one.
UPDATE: Found a second rare (p) around the same time.
I took the advice of others in this post and looked in the catacombs, great advice because you can find several there and they respawn quickly. The best I found was a common, but I took it, thinking i would upgrade later with a stone. I decided to fly around the area to collect a few more missing pets and at 75.82 / 45.85 I found a rabbit that had a secondary decouring maggot Rare! Yea me! Right before that very nearby I got a Rare toad that was secondary to a skunk. Good luck!
FINALLY after camping this pet off and on for literally years I got it tonight! I sat here about 2 hours tonight and was about to log when the sandstorm happened. I took the first hatchling I saw to get the achieve, but kept looking for a blue one. Took 30 minutes to find a blue. They respawn fast. The sandstorm was still going after an hour. It was 9:30pm ST on Mok'Nathal when sandstorm came.