Kaitrosebd's Comments
(5) comments by Kaitrosebd

Comments by Date (5)
After assuming the rat thing was BS I basically ignored it for a week. Never found a trace of him on 3 servers during any hours. Finally decided it wouldn't hurt to try it, spotted two rats near the bridge fought them both and the Minfernal spawned almost immediately near the first crater by the bridge.
No matter how ridiculous it sounds assuming there aren't 5 other people flying aroud hunting too all I can say is the rat thing worked for me.
I've gone back for her a few times and each time I only find one spawned in the same location, never been rare never found more than one. So either I'm unlucky or she does not spawn numerous harpies or frequently.
They are definitely different sizes... I have 3 and when they fight side by side one is as small as a crab and the other is larger than my fawn. Huge differences!
Within 5 battles I get why this pet is so highly rated. He held his own several rounds against pets literally 10 levels higher than him. I did eventually have to bring in another pet obviously but that's still impressive.
I've knocked out an enitre team using nothing but his tidal wave and never swapping him out. Against the right team he's a powerful pet, especially good against other elementals.