Kairy's Comments
(12) comments by Kairy

Comments by Date (12)
It would be REALLY nice if there were some PvP team suggestions from players that rock at that for the pet bonus week. People who suck at PvP would ♥ you forever!!!
Got this awesome new pet today! So excited to see how he does in battle!
Got a rare the first day Blizzard actually finally told us how to get this little guy! I'm not sure if it was good timing or just new pet freenzie, but I didn't have to kill a single mob myself and had no problem at all getting into pet battles! Hopefully all of you will have just as good of luck finding your own "Squirky"!
I can't seem to get this little guy to spawn! I keep killing the matriarch over and over and going to the spawn location and nothing! Is this bugged?
I don't have mine quite yet, I have to get the last quest in the chain, but it is selling for crazy gold in the AH right now!
I lucked out and bought this from a private seller for only 5k! He must have been desprate for some money becuase the AH price is usually 15k!
Not sure what other commenters are talking about getting this guy was HARD! The drop rate on the quest item was mega low and the dig sites were infested with golden elites that killed me every few minutes! By the time I was done ALL my armor was red and I was screaming at Blizzard out loud! I had no idea I would get this little guy at the end of it and when I did Blizzard was forgiven!
Very first one I found was a rare! I was more than pleased! Found this little guy in the Secret Lab area at 2:30 am server time on Aggramar :)
I didn't even know about this cute little guy until I just happen to be going to the area around 6:30am and saw them on my minimap! I lucked out and got a rare my third kill!
Got my from a Searing Hatchling right outside of Ony's lair! Was actually hunting after a rare Spawn of Ony and just killing the hatchlings if I happen to come upon one. On my 25th kill I was surprised with a Dark Whelpling!
This little guy is easy to find and you get a rare first time, however you can only get one per char so don't waste your time clicking other nests after you get one, they will just be empty.
Any word on a 2020 Suirt garrison calendar???