Jxnboy007's Comments
(13) comments by Jxnboy007

Comments by Date (13)
Prime target w/no backup positions Time: 8:39am U.S. server(Anvilmar) 12/3/2012 weather: clear (not weather dependent) Location: atop the tower @(43,77) Lvl-16 Quality: is poor but that is fine by me. Also managed to snag a rare shadeling while there..woot! update: went back today at 6:45am U.S. server(Ravencrest) about 15min before server restart(tues). Arcane Eyes all over the place! I'm sure there were 15+ spawning. Upgraded but no rares avl.
Cerimeredar is correct in saying that books are possible while rats are up, just experienced it too. Libram is Prime target only. Location: 27,42 (just north-west of statue by the tower) Time: 11:00am U.S. sever time(Anvilmar) Weather: morning clear skies Quality: 1-poor and 1-u/c (2nd location)
Lvl 10s are possible and currently top lvl. Only found uncommons. update: After Tuesday maintenance (12/4/2012), Crows are now capturable; although having issue with finding them, only found 1 so far (poor).
Anodized Robo Cub..rawr!
position: Prime target in 1st Position (never saw one in 2nd or 3rd)
Time: 2:25pm server time on 12/2/2012
weather: snowstorm (not weather dependent and did not see others appear)
Location: 62,50 (first incline of mtn east of Everlook)
Quality: Common lvl17 (but happy to finally see one! and trap it!)
Not only did I find some in The Lost City (non-instance) zone, inside the city walls, but all 3 that I did challenge were poor quality; and yet each one had a rare sidewinder as backup. *results may vary, but upgrade for me + catch*
Snowshoe Hare -lvl 6
2nd position to Rabbit
Time: 3:00am-server 11/3/2012
weather: rain
Location: 55,54 @the small pond just south of Tarren Mill
first find and it is an Uncommon. I did make several challenges before this pet appeared. Good Luck!
after posting, rechecked another rabbit same spot with different results so, results may vary ;P
Silkbead Snail- lvl 21 (u/c)
2nd Position of Emerald Turtle
Time: 2:19am server time 11/2/2012 (non-seasonal, non-holiday)
weather: raining (though it showed once in clear weather)
location: 57,53 w/in the grounds of Temple of the Jade Serpent
having seen one earlier as a backup position, I didn't realize this guy would be so difficult to find again. Tried all over and was en route to Arboretum where suggested 2nd with hatchlings but I had no luck w/ this
Garden moth- lvl 22 (C)
3rd position of a Grove Viper (U/C)
Time: 1:50am server time
Date: 11/2/2012 (non-seasonal, non-holiday)
weather: Clear night
Location: 36,46 ; approx 803yrds West of Dawn's Blossom (near the river)
After reading the other comments I decided to skip on the Viper upgrade and instead ensure to have at least the one Garden Moth. Although common, he did do some damage.
Shrine Fly captured;
Secondary position from a Grove Viper.
Time: 1:27am server time
Date: 11/1/2012 (first day of Winter for Azeroth; coincidental)
Location: 42,46 "Shrine of the Dawn" nearly due West of Dawn's Blossom
Weather: clear (not weather dependant)
Caught one on the upper rim of Frostwhisper Gorge as a 3rd position. Little bugger was a bit tricky to catch as he kept healing just a bit before I could throw the trap or after just missing. Be versatile with this one. It wasn't hard but I didn't want to squash it. Now to find a rare :P
After reading other's comments, I am really lucky. I just flew over there to collect one w/out reading and didn't see anything at first. Then, I saw my first one and didn't think much about it; got an Uncommon and didn't spend 3 minutes there. It was 3:30am server time though. There was another player there so i'm chalking this up to luck.
Finally got one! I got so excited when I saw it I could not land near it from shaking. 5:40am Eastern U.S. @ 43,55-Southern Barrens. This was Pre-server restart. Good Luck!
After reading the advice of others, I found one outside the cave instead of inside. Must be my lucky day b/c I've picked up quite a few hard-to-find(s) today. Prime target with sand kitten-uncommon in 2nd position. Time: 9:25am U.S. server (Anvilmar) 12/3/'12 weather: morning and clear Location: outside cave @(63,49) Quality:poor, but happy to have it!