Jwb's Comments
(21) comments by Jwb

Comments by Date (21)
This should appear on the Siren Isle during pirate invasions. The invasion rotates weekly, Vykrul -> Naga -> Pirates. First one should start Dec 31.
If you're stuck on this chain in 11.07, delete the "Emerald Necklace" from your inventory and log out and back in. You should get a quest marker on the map at the "familiar looking appendage" for the next quest in the chain.
I was able to obtain Slim on my alt after being stuck! If you have the bugged Emerald Necklace in your inventory, delete that thing. Then log out and back in. The "Familiar-Looking Appendage" should have a quest marker on it if you're successful. You should be able to zip through the rest of the chain from there.
Quest chain: https://www.wowhead.com/storyline/gutter-work-5543
I'm really hoping the recent acceleration in expensive promos is due to the holiday and not the new normal. Getting out of hand!
This pet can demolish many of the NPC pet battles. It's particularly good against battles where the lead pet has a huge health pool and the two backing pets aren't as strong. Glowing toxin > sweep, then use mana surge between. I have three 325 speed versions which are top 5 pets for me.
I just captured the "white" variant after going through hundreds of Snifflers, and wow, it looks a LOT like the common yellow variant. I probably zapped some of these before.
The white is quite bright and looks a little yellow-ish in the cave lighting. The thing that I noticed that made me capture it was, darker toenails. I summoned my yellow Sniffler and looked at them side by side to see the subtle difference.
Pet in cave light vs indoors: https://imgur.com/a/wv2lypV
Some of these alternate skins are just sadistic! Is it light gray or white? Are the eyes orange or yellow? These all look the same!
I didn't have any server icons, so I had to click the gear next to my name (User Settings) and click Gift Inventory to find the quest.
A good place to find them is 56,43 just outside the cave entrance. There are several pets that respawn quickly and it will sometimes be a backline pet.
Watch out for the void portal, it will kill itself with it. Best to check if it has the void portal ability, and if it does, surrender and re-engage until it doesn't.
Deliberate Retreat seems to be bugged. It's supposed to "Instantly heals all allies" but sometimes it doesn't heal at all and just does the retreat.
According to the event info on wowhead:
..."killing the Headless Horseman on the first character for the day with any curses active will increase your chances of obtaining rare loot from the Loot-Filled Pumpkin, such as The Horseman's Reins, Arfus and Windborne Velocidrake: Hallow's End Armor! The more curses you have active, the more chances to loot any of the rare items."
If this is exactly accurate, you should do your first HH kill each day with all four curses active.
Inversion on Ravencrest Alliance is still around and knew exactly what I meant when I asked them if I could join for the pet. The guild isn't listed in the guild finder so I did /who inversion and messaged someone, got invited right away. Really friendly guild. I dropped 50k in their guild bank after I got the pet.
With dust cloud and blinding poison this pet can do a lot of damage as long as its speed stays higher than the enemy. It can solo the Squibbles fight on Kun Lai Summit.
Found the purple variant as a backline pet. I only had to reset twice to get it, so either it is not that rare or I just got lucky.
I finally found the rare green-eyed Ottuk on the sledding island at 25, 71 in the Azure Span. There are three spots on the island where they spawn. One spot they spawn is inside of a wall, but you can still battle it by using a target macro (/tar scruffy) and then using your "interact with target" key.
The only way to really tell the green-eyed version from the other one is the eye color. The coloration of the body is nearly identical.
You can get these companion pets on your alts even after you do three hunts on your main. It's the first three bags (purple blue green) on each toon.
Ran 7 alts through three hunts each and got the ohuna companion on the first purple bag on the 7th alt, to give an idea on rarity. Haven't got the Bakar companion yet, trying again next week!
I think this might be limited to one discovery per account. I found the two objects the first time in five minutes, got the pet, no problem. But I've been searching for hours on my other character and can't find either of them.
Appears as a level 1 primary with no secondary pets during the primal storms, so make sure to bring your Terrible Turnip!
I just got Jingles from my 5th Stolen Present I opened, so it can be obtained in 2021!
I got the plain version but I was happy to get it
Collected the alternate skin today after about 10 hours of killing Slabwings. It is more difficult to distinguish than I expected in the light of the cavern. I didn't even think I had found it, but the dark colorings on the back seemed a little bit lighter. So I captured it just in case, and was pleasantly surprised! When in doubt, capture and check - or just capture every Deepridger just in case.