Jenlia's Comments
(6) comments by Jenlia

Comments by Date (6)
For those who had previosuly caught one and it did not count - yes catch another and log / relog and it will show :) Whew a few trap / releases and I got my blue.
After literally days of camping .. I log out to go to another toon check for a blue quality minfernal .. log back in .. it is snowing !!! Got my uncommon at Engine of the makers but found others all over .. the whole zone snows and they spawn all over - the one that was evading me on a mountian despawned right before the snow ended .. I had time to travel the whole zone and look for a blue quality - I will gladly take my uncommon after all that time!
It was roughly 4:45AM server
Off and on checking the area, decided to try what another player did by riding my mount in .. no luck. Gave the area a quick buzz as my flying self .. boom minfernal within sight of the road 42.6, 36.3. Poor quality - I don't care (right now) .. I got him.
This is one of those pets similar to the dragonhawks - you already have them, Blizz needs to fix why we aren't getting credit for them .. basically they do not exist in the wild so you cannot tame them. Once it gets fixed, you will get credit for it. I am submitting a bug. As a poster on wowhead said tho, until next march we cannot get World Safari anyway since we cannot tame the guardling unless it is summer months :(
Just got one 7:10PM server - not morning only.
Captured a green at the Forgotten Shore location :):) Roughly 12:15PM server :)