Jenaht's Comments
(5) comments by Jenaht

Comments by Date (5)
Luck was shining on me tonight. On my 3rd ever attempt, I got Moon Moon. 2 hours later, got him again, and my guildie also got him. I gave the 2nd to a friend. Lucky tonight for sure. Lightbringer server. It was about 7pm and then 9pm respectively.
Friend messaged me - sandstorm going on around 9:20am Lightbringer server. I got there in time to capture a green balance and a white guardian before the storm stopped. No idea how long it had been going on. But I was there about 10 mins. Good luck.
Just got my 2nd Rare - a Full Ninja (speed). With the Oily Slimings (a secondary) 7:15am Server Lightbringer.
Rare popped up when I tagged an Emperor Crab in Dread Wastes near the shelf. Naturally, I trapped the Rare Hedgehog and still looking for rare crab. He is ridiculously fun. 6:30pm Pacific Lightbringer Server. He was the first one I've seen to be honest - couldn't believe my luck he was a rare. So I can't vouch for normal spawns or not.
Just another thing - I got this pet in a Satchel from SoO LFR. This morning. Lightbringer server around 11am PST. Surprised the hell out of me. However, I have gotten several pets now through the Satchel there is another way. Killing the raptors out in Northrend never did anything for me. Good luck.