Jakemuss' Comments
(5) comments by Jakemuss

Comments by Date (5)
Went to the island, found nothing. Came here to see why none were spawning and see there is a rain cycle i have to wait for.
Switched back into my wow window and it was raining. Couldnt believe my luck!
Took 22 bags for mine to drop and then another one dropped in the very next bag too.
Just had mine drop from farming the Shifting Mireglobs in Swamp of Sorrows.
Just run around the creeks in circles killing all the Mireglobs picking up Oozling Bags that sometimes drop from them. It took me 23 Oozling bags for my Disgusting Oozeling to drop (About 30-45 minutes of farming)
Just got mine by farming Storm Pike Engineers at 'Gavins Naze' -- http://www.wowhead.com/npc=49116/stormpike-engineer
They have a fast respawn rate (about 25-30s secs) so you can just run around, and in between the siege/tank things that the engineers are working on. It took me about 850 kills for mine to drop.
From reading comments below im thinking i have been incredibly lucky to have it drop so quickly. Farmed for 60-90 mins.
Picked up on my first temple run.
Already a favourite.