Jadekitten's Comments
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Comments by Date (10)
Raining on Jaguero Island on Malorne server, WM off!
Snowing right now on Malorne server!
This pet is made available to me from the weekly treasure mission! It will take 3 days to complete the mission from the mission table.
I killed all of the Sea Spireshells I could find around the Coral Forest in Nazjatar and the Amethyst Spireshell spawned at 58, 51. Edit: I should add that having flying REALLY helps.
I kinda cheesed it and group hopped until I found it near the waterfall at 46.16 36.51! Good luck!
Found mine at 63.35 42.59, Under the K&A in "Kal'methir" on the map! Good luck!
Found one at 73.94 19.27 but caught a secondary pet not thinking anything of it. Spent 2 hours trying to get the Yellow Junkhopper and having no luck getting it to spawn
Found him at 59.74 26.15 as primary. Rare too! He battled with Comeback, Dust Cloud, and Vengeance. I was using Grumpy and he used Dust Cloud every time I tried to use Superbark, so be careful of that!
Another repsawned after a minute or two!
The second I caught battled with Batter, Crouch, and Burrow.
Found one spawn as primary at 72.38 20.45 by Horde landing area. I had been killing all critters that weren't rares or pets I needed, it might have helped spawn this guy.
Sandstorm now in Tanaris on Malorne server, WM off!