Isix's Comments
(3) comments by Isix

Comments by Date (3)
1-3 of 3
Found and killed at 10/7 1:52 am server time on Hellscream just as she spawned. Hope this helps those of you that share my realm get one of your own.
I would also ask that those who happen to kill a rare world raptor and are skinners to let the corpse rot. While seeing a dead one is disappointing it gives collectors an idea of when to start looking again.
I would also ask that those who happen to kill a rare world raptor and are skinners to let the corpse rot. While seeing a dead one is disappointing it gives collectors an idea of when to start looking again.
Posted: October 07, 2009 2:55:08 AM
Edits: 1
Rating: -2
Found and killed at 10/7 1:40 am server time on Hellscream. Hope this helps those of you that share my realm get one of your own.
I would also ask that those who happen to kill a rare world raptor and are skinners to let the corpse rot. While seeing a dead one is disappointing it gives collectors an idea of when to start looking again.
I would also ask that those who happen to kill a rare world raptor and are skinners to let the corpse rot. While seeing a dead one is disappointing it gives collectors an idea of when to start looking again.
Posted: October 07, 2009 2:45:03 AM
Edits: 1
Rating: -1
1-3 of 3
Alternatively if you win sticks you don't need you can post them to the AH for those that do.