Hydraxa's Comments
(3) comments by Hydraxa

Comments by Date (3)
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Re: Horde Balloon
simple and fun quest. balloons aren't actually flying high in the air...you'll find them in between buildings and behind trees floating above the ground a bit throughout Orgrimmar. enjoy your new red balloon!
Posted: June 28, 2011 7:57:04 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: -2
obtained thru a 6 part questline starting here and you receive it on the 5th quest...only 1 pet of the 2 rewarded, sadly not both - either Gold Mini Jouster or Blue Mini Jouster
Posted: December 07, 2010 11:34:04 AM
Edits: 1
Rating: +2
i highly recommend circling around killing all darters, bears, wolfs etc. rinsing and repeating till you get the drop. respawn rate is decent - once you make a full round they are already starting to respawn....avg 30-50 kills for egg to drop...GL farming!!!!
Posted: November 11, 2009 11:13:12 PM
Edits: 2
Rating: -3
1-3 of 3