Hurleur's Comments
(2) comments by Hurleur

Comments by Date (2)
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Re: Direhorn Runt
So I read most of the posts about this minipet and set out to get one of my own. I brought my friend along to help me grind the adults since many people claim they drop off of them better. One adult and three hatchlings later and it dropped off of the hatchling.
Posted: May 31, 2013 1:36:55 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: -1
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For anyone trying to farm for this pet.
I recently opened a ticket asking why it was snowing in the Storm Peaks but there were no kits.
The reply was:
This pet can be tricky to get now with cross realms, and connected realms, because in order for him to actually show up it must be snowing on your home realm. Since this is a connected realm and a cross realm zone you can end up seeing snow for other realms, but since it isn't snowing on your home realm you won't see the Arctic Fox Kit.