Hotcity's Comments
(2) comments by Hotcity

Comments by Date (2)
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Re: Treasure Goblin
REal CoOl pet a definite stand out amoungst the crowd. a Worthy Warrior in my collection
Posted: August 20, 2014 6:23:25 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: -1
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Fotunate, I was by the Auction House in Iron forge & i saw Sky-bo Pet for the 1st time on 2/16/15 .I said to myself thats a cool pet ,did'n't know anything about him ask the guy where u get him he said nothing. I look him up on this webisite to see how to get it. I Saw he drops from Mr Bling 5000 and i have one. but who knows when it will drop.On today(02/17/2015) at 6 am on the dot opened my bling 5000 & here Sky-bo Drops right into my hands.Thats too Wicked.Ask and you shall receive.