Horaha's Comments
(9) comments by Horaha

Comments by Date (9)
Tiny White Carp can be found in:
Pools of Giant Mantis Shrimp, Reef Octopus and Tiger Gourami
And the 'inland' non-Sha waters of Kun-Lai Summit, The Veiled Stair & all coastal waters
Your max fishing skill is watever you can make it with rods, hats, lures and enchants. Higher skills = less junk = better odds
Check with Ben of the Booming Voice for fish of the day pools
More info at El's Extreme Angling
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Have fun and good luck :)
Tiny Red Carp can be found in:
Pools of Spinefish
And the 'inland' open waters of Southern Kun-Lai Summit, Townlong Steppes and Sha waters of Dread Wastes.
Your max fishing skill is watever you can make it with rods, hats, lures and enchants. Higher skills = less junk = better odds
Check with Ben of the Booming Voice for fish of the day pools
More info at El's Extreme Angling
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Have fun and good luck :)
Tiny Blue Carp can be found in:
Pools of Jewel Danio and Redbelly Mandarin
And the waters of Vale of Eternal Blossoms. 825 fishing skill suggested here to lower junk catches
Your max fishing skill is watever you can make it with rods, hats, lures and enchants. Higher skills = less junk = better odds
Check with Ben of the Booming Voice for fish of the day pools
More info at El's Extreme Angling
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Have fun and good luck :)
Tiny Green Carp can be found in:
Pools of Emperor Salmon, Jade Lungfish and Krasarang Paddlefish
And the 'inland' open waters of The Jade Forest, Krasarang Wilds and Valley of the Four Winds
Your max fishing skill is watever you can make it with rods, hats, lures and enchants. Higher skills = less junk = better odds
Check with Ben of the Booming Voice for fish of the day pools
More info at El's Extreme Angling
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Have fun and good luck :)
Got my crow tonight, woot. Lvl 10 poor but I kicked up to rare with battle stone. I belive this will be a great flying fighter with Call of Darkness and Nocturnal Strike.
Nice pet! At lvl 18 I was taking out the Effervescent Glowfly teams in The Summer Fields solo for 800+ xp. Oh that's with Safari Hat.
This is a great place to start leveling pets while waiting for that rain. I leveled a dozen or so to lvl 8/9 and after I got my Baby Ape I leveled those pets to lvl 14 in Tanaris waiting for sandstorm to capture Silithid Hatchling.
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Just got mine, 2:45pm server time. One came in Everlook and another on my way to flight point. I don't see any reason to camp for rare, low stats.
I remember when I got this drop, back in vanilla when I was playing my first toon. I vendored it for 10s. The replacement, after I became a collector, cost me 10k gold. Ahh, the memories.