Holypriestess' Comments
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I suggest you leave an alt in one of the pits and check back on it from time to time. I did this for several days before I got lucky with my brother saying there is a storm up. I got mine @ Lightbringer EU on a thursday at 19:58 server time. I read someone else had also witnessed a sandstorm on a thursday around 19:00. So it might be worth checking out. Best of luck!
Just got a rare one as a secondary pet to a [Rat] at the Dalaran Crater (Hillsbrad Foothills), if you have no luck at the ruins like me maybe this will work out for you instead. Good luck!
I can confirm that this is still in the loot table if you fish outside of the red or green schools at the Black Market in the new Underbelly of Dalaran (Legion 2017). Just got mine closer to 1000 casts. Good luck out there! Don´t give up :3
I read other people have had luck in the area around Keeshan's Post (North East) around the Gnoll camps too. I swapped to the recommended location and I got a rare relatively fast after checking and killing every wrong thing. Make sure to check the secondary slots too, because I got mine as a secondary pet to a [Roach]. Before this I was farming all around the map twice with my boyfriend helping me out and we were unable to find one until this 3rd trip. I hope this helps! Thank you~