Hoddmimir's Comments
(5) comments by Hoddmimir

Comments by Date (5)
I was very excited to finally find one of these, start the fight, and see that it was a rare. First one I found. Then an untimely crit killed it robbing me of my prize. The next morning at 6:30am server time, I found half a dozen in less than an hour. I suspect getting on when noone else is around is the way to go. No rare for me yet but I have an uncommon and I'm ok with that.
I was hunting for the Snowy Owl (Haven't gotten one yet unfortunately) when I randomly ran across one of these. Didn't even know it was a pet actually but caught myself an H/H and haven't seen one since.
I've had my eye on this pet for awhile now and I knew I wanted it. Finally found the time to raise my rep to exalted and bought one. I was pleased to get an H/H with my very first purchase. :) Since I was so lucky I'm considering picking up a couple of more to donate to friends and other collectors.
I was running Molten Core for the first time without knowing a thing about it really, when this guy dropped for me. I was very lucky because I also got the Harbringer at the same time. I did the math, that is supposedly a 1 in 260 chance to have happen. This guy has quickly become one of my new favorites.
I learned about this pet a long time ago, before my character was high enough level to go after it, and then I completely forgot it existed. I immediately rushed off to try my luck today on Heroic and was lucky enough to get it on my first try. I've had a lot of good luck lately so I'm worried it's going to come back to bite me sometime soon.