Hippyfish's Comments
(2) comments by Hippyfish

Comments by Date (2)
1-2 of 2
I guess I go lucky with this guy, it took me about 6 days, 5 separate kills and some server hopping via LFG.
Most of the groups I was in he dropped 2 pets and some gear. I was so excited to finally add him to my collection, but was very disappointed with how TINY this pet is... I barely even notice he's there when I summon him :C
Posted: March 24, 2015 12:52:27 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: +1
1-2 of 2
After many tiring hours of searching/camping/flying/hopping I flew over the center spawn point of Crystalsong (Northrend) and saw a green paw print pop up (directly on the spawn point, not off to the side). Hoping it wasn't another squirrel or mouse I almost started to cry when it was her, the little Val'kyr. It was 1:18 am server time & my method was to camp an alt in Crystalsong (bcuz spawn points are relatively short distances) hop servers and fly to each one, then hop again. GL all!!