Hermione's Comments
(23) comments by Hermione

Comments by Date (23)
Rather mediocre pet in battle... I find it one of the more annoying pets to level. It doesn't do much damage and it seems to die quickly.
Got mine out of my 35th bag.
Named mine after my corgi, who we just lost to aggresive cancer. I really love this cute little guy!
He's decent in battles... honestly, not my first choice, but I'm a big fan of the "puppies of the flame" attack for sheer cuteness factor. A fun elemental pet for sure!
I farmed mine with a friend at Okril'lon Hold, on the second floor. I got mine within an hour, and we're still working on his. The respawn rate of the orcs is *really* fast. Happy hunting to all! She's totally adorable.
I love my Raven Lord mount, so I love having this little guy follow me around. Plus the heart emote when a player mounts the Raven Lord or the Dread Raven is adorable :)
I love worgs, so I'm actually a pretty big fan of Tito (That, and he looks like my dog). I also like that his howl when summoned is slightly higher pitched than Moon Moons summon howl. The bow is cute, but I wish they'd but it on the back of his neck so it's more visible. It just looks weird underneath. Overall, I'm really happy with this pet.
Got this today when I earned Tito. Both showed up in my pet log with out the need to log my toon out, then back in. I dont think I'll use it; it's a bit creepy.
I found mine just northwest of Bor'Gorok Outpost in Borean Tundra, around noon, on Cho'gall.
Got this one today right by Bor's Breath. After hunting on and off for months, it was the first snow I'd seen there. There were a TON of fox kits everywhere, and after catching my first one (which was thankfully a rare) I flew around to see most of the zone was snowing. As everyone else said, if it's not snowing in one spot, just keep flying around since the snow is not zone wide and is random.
Also, I know it's perpetually snowing in Thunderfall, but they don't show up there.
Since I've never played the game before, I was a little confused on how it worked. I got through the first three waves just fine, but needed the help of a YouTube video on the fourth wave. Two rows of sunflower are key for the fourth and fifth waves. What worked for me was two runs of sunflowers, one of shooters, one of freezers, and stone blocks or the whipvine things in the fifth row. Bombing the crap out of the boss made the 5th wave really easy. Good luck!
To the person who asked if it can be caged, yes. My guildie just traded me his for my Netherspace Abyssal, since I didn't want it and he couldn't get it to drop, even though I told him his was rarer, haha. You can see them on the AH pretty frequently.
I got to 'best friends' with Sho in a day by just farming the Lovely Apples and doing the missions she sends you on depeding on your friendship level. I just flew around the Heartland and found a ton of gifts pretty quickly. This is also a great way to farm ore (I got around 18 stacks in three hours).
This pet comes in the mail after you reach 'best friends' and is really adorable! I haven't battled with him yet, but I'm excited to.
25 kills and no drop... I finally traded a Crimson Whelp to a person who had 6.. yes, seriously, 6 Moon Moons. Definitely worth the trade to me, since I never summoned the whelp or used it. I love my Moon Moon <3
I was lucky enough to get this pet on my first kill. He was in the first area at the entrance to the cave. Good luck everyone!
I caught mine right outside of Toshley's Station (One in town, and two to the north). I had been unlucky in my previous searches, but found 3, the third of which was rare. First was uncommon, second was poor.
Found my first one in the Cenarion Wildlands as an add to a Forest Moth. Lucky for me, it was a rare.
I believe this is in AQ 40. Twins fight.
I couldnt find these guys anywhere, until I logged on to my toon that did all the Argent Tournament and Icecrown stuff. They were EVERYWHERE at Sindragosa's Fall. I fought about 7 before deciding to keep my uncommon (Plus I was getting ganked by a higher guy). So I think phasing may be involved. The uncommons seemed to have a little over 1200 health. Good luck everyone!
I *still* can't find one.... I took my boyfriend out there and let him catch the first one we saw since he thought it was cool. It was the in the center of the town. I figured I'd see one again soon, but no luck yet. =/ Still searching. I hope he's worth the wait! :)
*Edit* I logged on randomly after a restart and found one wandering next to the Master Pet Trainer. Yay!
I noticed the carrot thing too. Randomly shows up then dissapears after a few seconds.
I've looted around 40 Disturbed Podlings with no drop yet... Keeping my fingers crossed that he shows up soon!