Helaren's Comments
(5) comments by Helaren

Comments by Date (5)
I guess that droprate is quite low for this pet.
Or maybe I am just unlucky?
Caverndark Terror has 3 spawn points.
All in the lower level of Chitterspine Grotto.
1 in the middle of the 2nd pool.
2 in the first pool.
In the first pool, it can either spawn between 2 elitesĀ a bit in and close to the cave wall.
Or it can spawn just after the ramp down to the first pool.
All 3 spawn points is below the water level.
Are these grinds for a Legendary pet or for a normal rare pet?
If it is a back breaking grind, then...
It is quite possible I wont even try to get any of these pets. Sadly.
Even the second tier of PvP pets are a long grind already.
PvP players might have it easier on these PvP pets tho?
How the Shamans got the class pet, that was a nice way.
Any news if the 1000 Pet limit will stay.
Or if we could have more pets in the future?
After capturing, the breed seems to be totally random for me.
Whatever the breed seemed to be when capturing.
Found a S/S Lvl25, Uncommon, finally!
Before Cap:
Health 1000, Power 176, Speed 275
After Cap:
H 1112, P 202, S 253
I checked a day or days before these [Winter Veil Gift]'s could be opened and saw nothing new. After that I forgot to visit Ironforge and totally forgot about the presents. And I have missed this pet.
Don't do as I did, forgetting to open presents.